I switched to ZSH from BASH as per the upgrade in Catalina and all is well except my home/end keys no longer work. This can be really annoying trying to move my cursor over super far to the left instead of a single home click.

Any idea if they just changed the key you use to "go to start of command" instead of home? Or is there a bug?

  • 4
    Note that Ctrl-A and Ctrl-E does this (emacs bindings). Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 22:36
  • Sorry for the silly question, but what is the "home" key on a Mac? Neither my MacBook nor my iMac have a key labeleld "Home" or "End". In zsh, I always use Control-A and Control-E, though as far I see, you can do more fancy keybindings if you use i.e. iTerm2 as a terminal. Commented Aug 14 at 8:19

5 Answers 5


The other answers didn't work for me when connecting over SSH to the Mac. I had to add the following lines to my ~/.zshrc to get Home and End to work:

bindkey "^[[H" beginning-of-line
bindkey "^[[F" end-of-line
  • 1
    It also works in Linux. Thanks! Commented Mar 16, 2023 at 10:55

@jemcclin's answer did not work for me. Here's what worked for me on latest macOS Catalina 10.15.5

  1. Open Terminal -> Preferences...

  2. Select your preferred profile

  3. On the Keyboard tab, add a new binding (or modify an existing one)

  4. Use the following settings to make Home work again:

    • Key: Home (↖)
    • Modifier: None
    • Action: Send Text
    • Text to send is \001 (CTRL+A)
  5. Use the following settings to fix the End key:

    • Key: End (↗)
    • Modifier: None
    • Action: Send Text
    • Text to send is \005 (CTRL+E)

Extra: btw, i was having the same Home/"Scroll to top" issues on webpage forms (like the one i'm typing right now to answer this) and what fixed for me was this



It seems the control characters required for zsh in Terminal are slightly different than the ones that worked in bash.

To fix your Home/End keys:

  1. Open Terminal -> Preferences...
  2. Select your preferred profile
  3. On the Keyboard tab, add a new binding (or modify an existing one)
  4. Use the following settings to make Home work again:
    • Key: Home (↖)
    • Modifier: None
    • Action: Send Text
    • Text to send is \033[1~ (For bash, \033OH was the value that worked)
  5. Use the following settings to fix the End key:
    • Key: End (↗)
    • Modifier: None
    • Action: Send Text
    • Text to send is \033[4~ (For bash, \033OF was value that worked)

This fixes my Home/End keys in zsh, and also works correctly when connected over SSH to terminals running bash.

Note that if you have keybindings specified in your ~/.zshrc or are running a third-party software to adjust your keybindings globally (eg: Karabiner), you might need to check or undo any settings in those places that may affect the Home/End keys if you're getting weird behaviour.


@jemcclin's answer requires the following entries in ~/.zshrc to work

bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line
  • Thanks! If you ever want to edit another answer to clarify, that’s encouraged as well as posting an answer.
    – bmike
    Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 17:38
  • 1
    Thanks Mike. I wasn't aware that answer-editing was a thing for novice users. But I'll consider that option if the need arises again. (I went for a 2nd answer, because my reputation was too low to add a simple comment)
    – frame
    Commented Apr 10, 2020 at 13:01

If you happen to be using Alacritty as your terminal, the following can be added to your user's configuration file (e.g., ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml):

chars = "\u0001"
key = "Home"

chars = "\u0005"
key = "End"

This thread seems to be confused about where to define key-bindings, and thus are surprised when key-bindings work over SSH (or not).

Conceptually, you can define key-bindings in your interactive shell (e.g., ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc), or a system-wide line editing library like GNU Readline (~/.inputrc), or even input monitoring tools like X11's bindkeys (/etc/xbindkeysrc). These will only affect key presses on that single system/shell/library session.

Alternatively, since you typically have a 1:1 correspondence between physical keyboard and terminal software, it makes more sense to define the key-bindings through your terminal's configuration. This way, regardless of which system you happen to be running a shell, the common middleman is your terminal, and the key-bindings will remain effective.

Also, while I believe this is true, I haven't confirmed that: in almost all scenarios your terminal software is going to receive key-press events earlier than any interactive shell/line editor. It makes sense in my mind to handle the key-bindings as early as possible.

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