Is there a way to have iOS voice dictation spell out numbers? I mean speaking 145 and having it write "one hundred forty five"; this would be useful in English and other languages. Although it’s not that common to spell out numbers in English, in my experience it seems a lot more common in foreign languages such as Italian and German. It’s really difficult to spell out the very long words in those languages and so this would be a gr8 feature
I’ve done a lot of searching and tried different things but nothing seems to work, including here on stack exchange where almost everything on this topic is several years old. In fact some of the posts I read indicate that there was the reverse problem years ago that was solved by saying “numeral” beforehand to avoid spelling the number.
Update (March 2023): recently, I accidentally found that numbers will be spelled out when you say something like "lessons (or exercises) two through nine", but this only seems to work with numbers less than 10
Edit: In response to @MeanAverageMeanie I installed GBoard and tried dictating "eleven plus fourteen equals twentyfive" in Italian, German, and English. Unfortunately, it still produced numerals rather than spelled words in each case, as seen below using Gboard within the iOS Mail app: