Here is a rather efficient solution using AppleScript. In Script, select the option to "Show Script Menu In Menu Bar" & "Show Computer Scripts"
Then paste this following AppleScript code into a new script editor document. Then save that new AppleScript document as a .scpt file to this following location...
/Users/YOUR SHORT NAME/Library/Scripts/
Basically this AppleScript code will take the selected alias files in your front Finder window and create new alias files to the location of your choice. If this save to location is different than the location of your current alias files, you will be given the option to delete your original alias files. This code will maintain the creation date of the original files, however the modification date will be the date that the alias files were created.
tell application "Finder" to set oldAliasFileList to selection as alias list
set theOriginalFiles to {}
repeat with oldAliasFile in oldAliasFileList
tell application "Finder" to set end of theOriginalFiles to ¬
(original item of oldAliasFile) as alias
on error errMsg number errNum
display dialog "Some Item In Your Finder Selection Is Not An Alias File
Or Its Original Item Cannot Be Found" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK"
end try
end repeat
set theFolderChoice to display dialog ¬
"Choose A Destination Folder For Your New Alias Files" buttons ¬
{"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK"
if button returned of theFolderChoice is "OK" then
set aliasFileDestinationFolder to (choose folder)
end if
repeat with thisFile in theOriginalFiles
tell application "Finder"
set {creationDate, modificationDate} to {creation date, modification date} of thisFile
set aNewAliasFile to make new alias file ¬
at aliasFileDestinationFolder to thisFile ¬
with properties {creation date:creationDate, modification date:modificationDate}
end tell
end repeat
set deleteOldAliasFiles to display dialog ¬
"Would You Like To Delete The Old Alias Files?" buttons ¬
{"Cancel", "DELETE"} default button "DELETE"
if button returned of deleteOldAliasFiles is "DELETE" then
tell application "Finder" to delete oldAliasFileList
end if