So here is a hypothetic scenario:
I'm at work presenting something to a colleague and we are both looking at my screen, when suddenly I have to access a service that requires a password. I use 1Password as my password manager, so I hit the key to autofill the password and when 1Password prompts me I will use Touch ID to identify myself. But here is the deal - things went a little fast and I did not notice that 1Password was expecting my to type a password and not use Touch ID and when I pressed the Touch ID button Mac OS would instantly switch to my "private" user and resume my "movie watching session" from last night, providing a greatly amusing experience to my colleague and less so for me.
How do I disable this stupid feature without actually disabling the ability to sign in with Touch ID? I'm perfectly happy with doing a few mouseclicks when switching user, but I fill in passwords many, many times a day and I'm not interested in being switched to my secondary user by mistake.
I've checked the system preferences panes for Touch ID and users and found nothing.