My OSX Lion MacBook Pro suddenly seems to be unable to connect to any website via HTTPS. HTTP works fine, but HTTPS seems to just time out. Using netcat:
Mithril:~ mitch$ nc 80
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
But if I try the same thing on port 443, the request just seems to sit there forever. Trying to access any HTTPS website with Chrome gets me a message that the server took too long to respond. Safari seems to wait forever, but never get anything back. I'm also seeing some SSL errors in the Console:
11-12-21 11:47:59.621 AM [0x0-0xc4cc4c] [] handshake with server failed; NSS error code -5938, net_error -107
11-12-21 12:13:14.404 PM [0x0-0x18c08bf].com.adiumX.adiumX: cdsa: SSLHandshake failed with error -9806 (connection closed via error)
A quick Google search reveals that I don't seem to be the only one with this problem, but I can't access half the results because requires HTTPS. The ones I can access have been entirely unhelpful.
I don't have any parental controls turned on, and other devices on the same network have no trouble connecting via HTTPS. What's going on?