I would like to create a link for a FaceTime video call with multiple people. Apple says you can make a link to call one person like this:

facetime://[email protected]

How can I add more emails to a link like this?

  • A little more info: I'd like to create a shared calendar event with a URL to the video call. All users on the call will be on macOS. I've tried adding email addresses to the facetime:// URL separated with different characters (:, ;, ,, and +) with no luck.
    – Dillon
    Commented Nov 20, 2018 at 17:41

2 Answers 2


You can use the facetime-group:// URI scheme!

It also accepts a parameter (isVideoEnabled) for your camera state when joining; 0 means upon joining the camera won't be activated, 1 means it will.


facetime-group://?remoteMembers=+12345678901;[email protected];+23456789012&isVideoEnabled=1

Let me know if it works for your use case!


Apple added support for creating FaceTime links in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey 12:

  1. Open FaceTime
  2. Click "Create Link"

Create a link to a FaceTime call on iPhone (iOS 15)

In the FaceTime app on iPhone, you can create a link to a FaceTime call and send the link to a friend or a group (using Mail or Messages), which they can use to join or start a call.

  1. Tap Create Link near the top of the screen.

  2. Choose an option for sending the link (Mail, Messages, and so on).

In Calendar, you can schedule a remote video meeting by inserting FaceTime as the location of the meeting.

Note: You can invite anyone to join you in a FaceTime call, even people who don’t have an Apple device. They can join you in one-on-one and Group FaceTime calls from their browser—no login is necessary. (They need the latest version of either Chrome or Edge. Sending video requires H.264 video encoding support.)

Create a link to start a FaceTime call on Mac (macOS Monterey 12)

When you’re signed in and FaceTime is turned on, you can create a link for a FaceTime call, then share that link with anyone using any device (Apple, Android, or Windows). As the link originator, you need to start the call, then allow each user to join.

Note: You can invite anyone that meets these requirements to join you on a FaceTime call, even people who don’t have an Apple device.

Create and share a FaceTime link

  1. In the FaceTime app on your Mac, sign in and make sure FaceTime is turned on.

  2. Click Create Link.

  3. Choose how you want to share the link. For example, choose Messages to send a text message to someone that includes the link for a FaceTime call.

In the Calendar app, you can add a FaceTime video call to calendar events.

To remove a FaceTime link, check the list of callers for a call made with a FaceTime link, click the Info button , then click Delete Link.

Start a call from a FaceTime link

If you created a link for a FaceTime call, you can start the call either from the app (for example, from the Messages conversation, click Join) or from FaceTime. If you created the link in the last day or so, you see it in the list of recent calls in the Upcoming section; otherwise, you see it in the date-based section—for example, below Last Week.

  1. In the FaceTime app on your Mac, move the pointer over the call window and find the call made with a FaceTime link, then click the Video button.

  2. Click Join.

Let a caller join the FaceTime call

The originator of the FaceTime link can let you in to the call immediately. Other callers (who are using Apple devices, who have been approved, and who have joined the call for at least 30 seconds) can also approve (or decline) requests to join the call.

You know that a new caller is waiting when a badge appears on the Sidebar button.

  1. In the FaceTime app on your Mac on a FaceTime call, click the Sidebar button when you see the badge.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Allow the caller in the call: Click the Approve Join Request button .
    • Don’t allow the caller in the call: Click the Decline Join Request button .

To turn off the audio alert when a new person joins the call, click the Sidebar button, then select Silence Join Requests.

Source: support.apple.com

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