I am running macOS High Sierra version 10.13.6 (17G65).
I enabled indexing on samba share by using sudo mdutil -i on
command. The result:
$ sudo mdutil -s /Volumes/e\$/ /Volumes/e$: Indexing enabled.
I did find the indexing cache location: /var/db/Spotlight-V100/Volumes/smb%3A%2F%2Fadministrator@ip%2Fe$/
and /private/var/db/Spotlight-V100/Volumes/smb%3A%2F%2Fadministrator@ip%2Fe$/
But after three hours, I still can not find anything from the samba share via Spotlight and tag
For example:
[/Volumes/e$]$ tag -a test test # after three hours ......... [/Volumes/e$]$ tag -f test # nothing returns [/Volumes/e$]$ mdfind tag:test # nothing returns