When I originally set up my iTunes account, I used an email address from my prior employer. I later moved my account to a personal rather than corporate email address and I have since changed jobs. The original email address associated with my Apple account is no longer valid. In the meantime, my computer on which my original iTunes account died. Fortunately, I had my iTunes music backed up and when I purchased a new computer, I uploaded my songs. I recently tried to play an Album and an error message came up that said that this computer was not authorized to play the songs and that I would need to access my account to authorize the new computer. When I clicked through the authorization screen, my original email address came up and asked for my password. I tried several of my “usual” passwords, but none of them worked. I clicked on the “forgot my password” link and Apple gave me the option of answering a few security questions or having my password sent to my email address. Recognizing that I could not access the dead email account, I asked to answer the security questions. The first one that came up was to enter my birthdate. I did so and Apple said that my answer was incorrect. I next tried the street I grew up on and that did not work either. I soon figured out that none of the questions matched my personal information so I am wondering if these questions were ever associated with my original iTunes account. Apple then locked my account for incorrectly answering the questions.
When I called Apple to see if we could do something to unlock the account and tie it to my new account (which would have the same name, address, and other personal information), I was informed that Apple cannot unlock the account and that I had to have access to the old email account to access the account and authorize this new computer to play the music. After going up three levels of Apple customer service, I was told that there was absolutely nothing they could do for me. So, I have purchased hundreds of songs that I cannot play now.
Is there a work around to this problem? The songs are stored on my computer – I just can’t play them.