I need to get all my notes from my old machine (10.11) to my new machine (10.13) and I was thinking that it would be super easy by copying over a few folders but unfortunately, that doesn't really work as Notes on the new machine is still empty.
What I have tried: Copy over the following folder ~/Library/Group Containers/group.com.apple.notes ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.Notes
This didn't help - when I start notes it's empty. I did find a topic here on how I can get the data out of the sqlite database but that's raw data and need time to sort.
I can hear a lot of you say iCloud already but I don't wan't to mix my personal Apple ID with a work computer. Aside from that I don't like iCloud all that much. Sure it has good features and I use those, but those not so great features are not so nice to say the least.