Note: I myself am a kid too, hopefully others don't see me as a traitor for providing this answer 🤣🤣
Heres the start of my application. It is a work in progress. I will be editing very soon to include may new features such as
Remote editing of settings (like parental controls allows you to do)
Ability to get alerted if the kid tries to bypass the restriction
Ability to extend time (reward system?) with a parental password
Ability to bypass restriction completely with parental password
Multiple Alerts
More Logs
More comments in code
LaunchAgent and LaunchDemon
Many more features
Open this in Script Editor and export it as a read-only application and make sure stay open after run handler is checked off
After exporting follow this
guide to prevent it from show up in the dock.
To quit, go to Activity Monitor, search for what ever you saved the application as and press the X in the upper left hand corner of the window.
## Time Limiter - Created by Josh Brown - Created June 8th 2018 - Last Modified June 8th 2018 ##
global applist
global timelimit
global timelimits
global day1
global day2
## Settings ##
set applist to {"Google Chrome", "App Store"} -- Apps to limit
set timelimit to 10 -- time to limit in min, this is cumulative between all application
set alert1 to 5 -- time when to give a warning (great for giving a 5 min warning so they know they should save and wrap up what they are doing)
## Alert Settings ##
set alertme to false
set bypassattempts to 0
set maxbypassattemtps to 3 -- If the kid trys to reopen application after timelimit has expired alert you
## Bypass/Extention Settings ## -- If you would like to give the kid an extesion or bypass the block
set allowbypass to false
set pass1 to ""
set timelimit to timelimit * 60 -- Make into a seconds
set alert1 to alert1 * 60
set timelimits to timelimit
on is_running(appName)
tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end is_running
on checkapps()
set x to false
repeat with a from 1 to length of applist
set b to item a of applist
if is_running(b) then
set x to true
end if
end repeat
return x
end checkapps
on killall()
tell application "System Events"
repeat with myProcess in applist
set theID to (unix id of processes whose name is myProcess)
do shell script "kill -9 " & theID
end try
end repeat
end tell
end killall
on logme(msg)
set time1 to do shell script "date"
do shell script "echo \"" & msg & " " & time1 & "\" >> ~/Library/Logs/Time_Limit.log"
end logme
on checkday()
if day of (current date) is not equal to day1 then
set timelimit to timelimit + timelimits
set day1 to day of (current date)
end if
end checkday
logme("Begin Timer with Apps List: " & (applist as string))
set day1 to day of (current date)
repeat while 1 = 1
if checkapps() then
if timelimit > 0 then
set timelimit to timelimit - 1
if timelimit is alert1 then
logme("Time Left:" & (timelimit as string) & "Displaying alert")
display notification "Please finsh what you are doing and save your work" with title "Time Limit Almost Up" subtitle ((timelimit * 60) & " Minitues remaing") as string
end if
tell application app1
end tell
delay 20
if checkapps() then
logme("App Runnning after Limit, Killing")
end if
end if
end if
delay 1
end repeat