We only have cellular phones in our home and with our older phones my wife and I could add TouchIDs to each of our phones, and add our children's fingerprints as well. So, anyone could quickly use either phone. It's not just a matter of convenience, but also if there is an urgent matter... perhaps not a 911 emergency, but an emergency none the less, our children can quickly use the phones to get help.

Anyhow, with our new iPhone X, I cannot find how to train it to open for more than one face. How can we add FaceID for family members to our iPhones now?

1 Answer 1


The iPhone X currently does not support multi-face authentication. You can only add one face now. It may be or may not be added in the future updates. As per a mail sent by Apple VP Craig Federighi, it's unlikely that Apple will add this in future. You can read the mail from him in below link at MacRumors.

Mail from Craig Federighi

  • 1
    Wow, that seems like a bizarre, gross misunderstanding with how families use phones. Thanks for the link! Commented Dec 12, 2017 at 3:04
  • 1
    Very disappointing. We've found that the only safe solution is for everyone to learn the passcode. Disappointing because the passcode functions like a master password for the device, and it's just not as fast to use at all. Commented Dec 12, 2017 at 3:07
  • 1
    It's disappointing as I am in the same situation as you. With TouchID, my family could access the old iPhone, but with X, only I can use with without password.
    – Pratik
    Commented Dec 12, 2017 at 3:10
  • 1
    I've been reading more about it. So far I've seen 3 perspectives. 1. Apple: Probably can sell more devices by removing the ability to share devices 2. Apathetic: "For reasons... don't like to share my device with family members"/"Children shouldn't be able to use a phone" So, they don't care that other family members cannot easily access it. 3. Families: These are devices that any member of the family, especially parents, should be able to pick up and access quickly and easily for numerous logical reasons Commented Dec 12, 2017 at 3:29

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