I can't resize an image by dragging and dropping in Notes.
How do I resize an image in Notes?
In macOS, you can toggle between thumbnails and actual size (max width = 100%) by right-clicking any image in the note and choosing ‘View as Small Images’.
In iOS, hold an image to open the context menu, then choose View As → Small. Alternatively, tap the ellipsis button in the toolbar and choose Attachment Size → Small.
View as Small Images
, the image is too small:-(
Nov 10, 2017 at 3:50
This works for me (and doesn't require any screenshots):
I found a workaround for MacOS
This is now possible on iPadOS 16 and iOS 16. The image has to be on the drawing area for it to be resized.
This is what I do:
Try to open the image with Preview and zoom it. Then take a screenshot with Cmd+Shift+4. Then paste the screenshot back into Notes.
It seems Notes does not support image resizing at this time. If you insert a photo to Notes, it is always too big.
So far what works best for me is to copy/drag the image into a new mail message, resize it there by selecting small/medium/large size, then copy it again and paste in Notes (or wherever).
When I have several images to resize, I just drag them to a mail message already set with, say, Medium, and drag them again to Notes.
Still, a quick action such as select the image in Notes, click (something) and be done would be better, but I cannot find such a thing.
You can simply drag and drop the image into notes and resize as you want. It's very simple.