Is it possible to lock the iPad's screen by using a keyboard shortcut, when using a BT keyboard, or the SmartKeyboard?

Cmd+Shift+Eject as on the Mac does not work. Holding down the Cmd key also does not show any shortcut.

  • Consider also: using Assistive Touch! May 6, 2020 at 7:11
  • That’s what I do as I use a bluetooth keyboard and iPad is on a dock where it’s difficult to press physical sleep button, but I can just tap and be done. May 6, 2020 at 7:12

3 Answers 3


In the past, this was not possible with a keyboard shortcut. Some third party keyboard has dedicated buttons for locking and more...

Now there are widely available key shortcuts and Accessability and switch control options to lock the screen on iPadOS.


I was able to figure out Control + Command + Q seems to work on the new iPad Pro keyboard to lock it.

  • Glorious, thank you so much. As of this writing, this shortcut isn’t present on the Global Keyboard Shortcuts helper dialog in iPadOS 15.1… Oct 27, 2021 at 15:02

Right now it may be possible if you have Fn key on your keyboard.

Just click Fn + L and the screen will be locked.

This works on my bluetooth keyboard(Logitech K375s), but I'm not sure whether it works on every keyboard.

  • It doesn't work on my old Magic Keyboard...
    – Arne
    Nov 7, 2018 at 12:54

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