I'm not sure if it's possible but I'd like to disable color management on OS X, or at least when working with Photoshop and Illustrator. The problem is that no matter what I do in both application when trying to set a color mode, a color profile or the Proof Color options, both apps are showing different colors for the same image.
Here is a screenshot with how it looks when I have both application windows with one part over the built-in monitor and the other over an external monitor.
Also, when I was tracking down the issue, I discovered that when dragging the windows from one monitor to the other, the colors look like if the window is still on the first monitor, but then change to how they look in the second monitor after I stop dragging the window. This makes me thing that is not a color calibration issue, but rather something with the way the app manage the color profile for that monitor.
So, is there a way to solve this problem? maybe disabling color management at all for the whole system, or only for some applications?