I can get the screen resolution of my Macbook pro using the AppleScript code on this site.
on getScreenSize()
-- from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1866912/applescript-how-to-get-current-display-resolution
set resolutions to {}
repeat with p in paragraphs of ¬
(do shell script "system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk '/Resolution:/{ printf \"%s %s\\n\", $2, $4 }'")
set resolutions to resolutions & {{word 1 of p as number, word 2 of p as number}}
end repeat
-- return the last one assuming that it should be the one that is not the Laptop screen
return item (length of resolutions as integer) of resolutions
end getScreenSize
The returned value matches from the information from "About this Mac".
However, when I get the window size from a debugger, it shows half of the value from the system. I make a window to fill in a screen, and check the bounds of the window.
This is confusing and problematic as I'm writing AppleScript code that aligns multiple windows using set bounds
set bounds of s to {x1, y1, x2, y2}
What makes difference between the display resolution from a system and bounds of a window? Is it just safe to assume that (system resolution)/2 should be used for setting bounds for retina displays?