I have a late 2009 iMac running 10.12.5 that I am attempting to set up as a wifi hotspot. My current internet connection is DSL (ethernet).
I finally found a guide online how to actually do this and I follow all the instructions, including setting up a password at the end for security purposes. That went great and both my iPhones (5s and 7) recognized the network. However, when I tried to connect to the network, it said I either needed to restart my modem, router or contact my ISP. I have had this same issue previously when I have tried to make my iMac a hotspot (I had a computer exactly like this one before and had the same issue with it, the other one was running El Capitan though).
My question here is, what am I missing? Why isn't my iMac becoming a hotspot after I have gone through the set up process? Here is the link I used for the instructions to set the hotspot up.