Short answer: don't use "compound" color codes like \033[49;36m
, use separated colour instructions like \033[0;42m\033[0;36m
The difference can be nicely seen by comparing the output of those two commands:
echo -e "\033[0;42;36m\xe2\x96\x88\033[0;49;36m\xe2\x96\x88"
echo -e "\033[0;42m\033[0;36m\xe2\x96\x88\033[0;49;36m\xe2\x96\x88"
(note that my version of bash could not process \u2588
, so I had to resort to the hex variant \xe2\x96\x88
Suggestion for future code:
Create a file (for example in ~/.bash_color_definitions
) with the following content:
# Setup some colors to use later in interactive shell or scripts
# Color reset:
export COLOR_RESET='\033[0m' # reset color
# foreground colors
export FG_WHITE='\033[1;37m'
export FG_BLACK='\033[0;30m'
export FG_BLUE='\033[0;34m'
export FG_LIGHT_BLUE='\033[1;34m'
export FG_GREEN='\033[0;32m'
export FG_LIGHT_GREEN='\033[1;32m'
export FG_CYAN='\033[0;36m'
export FG_LIGHT_CYAN='\033[1;36m'
export FG_RED='\033[0;31m'
export FG_LIGHT_RED='\033[1;31m'
export FG_PURPLE='\033[0;35m'
export FG_LIGHT_PURPLE='\033[1;35m'
export FG_BROWN='\033[0;33m'
export FG_YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
export FG_GRAY='\033[1;30m'
export FG_LIGHT_GRAY='\033[0;37m'
# background colors
export BG_WHITE='\033[1;47m'
export BG_BLACK='\033[0;40m'
export BG_BLUE='\033[0;44m'
export BG_LIGHT_BLUE='\033[1;44m'
export BG_GREEN='\033[0;42m'
export BG_LIGHT_GREEN='\033[1;42m'
export BG_CYAN='\033[0;46m'
export BG_LIGHT_CYAN='\033[1;46m'
export BG_RED='\033[0;41m'
export BG_LIGHT_RED='\033[1;41m'
export BG_PURPLE='\033[0;45m'
export BG_LIGHT_PURPLE='\033[1;45m'
export BG_BROWN='\033[0;43m'
export BG_YELLOW='\033[1;43m'
export BG_GRAY='\033[1;40m'
export BG_LIGHT_GRAY='\033[0;47m'
And source it on every bash start by putting source ~/.bash_color_definitions
into your .bashrc
or .bash_profile
. Then start producing more readable code like this:
echo -e "$BG_BLACK$FG_CYAN\xe2\x96\x88$BG_GRAY$FG_CYAN\xe2\x96\x88$COLOR_RESET"
Turns out, the code in my answer actually reset the background (as Erik noted in the comments).
After a bit of testing, it appears that the Mac Terminal "mixes" the foreground/background colours a bit different when you try to use color code 49
, i.e. the "default background color". for example does not behave in this way, so you could easily switch terminals, if you want to.
A valid solution, however, is to fully specify the background color (i.e. don't just use 49;36m
, use 47;36m
if your background is white). Or better use the xterm-256color
color specifications; that is \033[38;5;___m
for the foreground and \033[48;5;___m
for the background colours (replacing the underscore with a number in 0-255). At least on my computer, this then produces consistent colours:
echo -e "\033[48;5;256m\033[38;5;6m\xe2\x96\x88\033[40;36m\033[38;5;6m\xe2\x96\x88\033[0m"
If you want to check which ANSI xterm-256color best matches your actual background color, you could use this script (modified version from the one found here):
for fgbg in 38 48 ; do #Foreground/Background
for color in {0..256} ; do #Colors
#Display the color
echo -e "\033[${fgbg};5;${color}m ${color}\t\033[0m"
echo #New line
exit 0