I have these five desktops with a dozen of full screen apps and feel very happy. Say I'm at right Desktop 5 now. (Sadly my picture is deleted since it wasn't uploaded to the site hosting service)
Now I want to open Finder to locate a file to open it on this desktop.
So I click Finder in Dock.
I get dragged all the way to the Desktop 1 because that's where Finder is currently open.
Well, that makes sense from a programmer's perspective (switch to Desktop with the app window).
But it doesn't make any sense for user.
Whenever I press Finder, I want it to open on current desktop, because it's utility and not really an “app” I need to “switch to”.
I usually have half dozen Finder windows on different desktops and these redirects just get in my way.
Is there a workaround to make Finder in Dock desktop-bound, apart from choosing New Finder Window in menu?