it is possible to configure the touch bar to launch cmd + ctrl + shift + 3 from the touch bar via the "Customize Control Strip..." setting.

I would also like to store the keyboard shortcut cmd + ctrl + shift + 4 in the touch bar, so I can launch it from there.

so far I was unable to find a way to do so. any suggestions on how to achieve this?

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can assign custom shortcuts to the Touch Bar.

For this you need a separate application called BetterTouchTool (BTT).

With BTT installed

  1. open the app
  2. Click "TouchBar" to assign a TouchBar setting
  3. Click "TouchBar Button"
  4. Enter a Name below "Touch Bar Button Name"
  5. Click below "Custom Keyboard Shortcut"
  6. Press your desired key sequence

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