I'm used to having Command-Left Arrow (⌘+←) and Command-Right Arrow (⌘+→) to switch between tabs, going to the previous and next tabs. I have configured these keys in System Preferences → Keyboard → Shortcuts for Safari.app.
However, configuring these shortcuts only works sometimes in Safari 10.1 under macOS 10.12. The behavior is this:
- When pressed in a tab with an active text box, the caret moves to the beginning and end of the row instead
- When pressed in a tab with history forwards or back, Safari goes forward or back in history instead
- Only when pressed on a tab that doesn't have the two above conditions, Safari switches to the previous or next tab
How can I disable the two other behaviors or configure the keys correctly so that I can use ⌘+← and ⌘+→ as previous and next tab shortcuts?