I use Terminal to run a command. It runs fine from the command line, but I want to be able to automate it with Automator. The syntax of the command (of course, minus the quotes) is as follows:
spotify-ripper user.name "/path/to/directory" "spotifyURI"
I've tried countless times to get Automator to:
- Ask for finder items (to create the "path/to/directory")
- Ask for Text (asking me to past in the URI/URL link from spotify)
Run Shell Script (/bin/bash)
spotify-ripper user.name "$@"
I have tried it with "Pass input" to "stdin" or "as arguments". Just get an error. I've read that "$@" will pass both variables one after the other which just what I need. I've also tried "$1" "$2" as some posts have suggested. What am I missing? I just want to pass path info and a URL to the end of a shell command, but nothing seems to work. I've tried the GET and SET Variable options, but that doesn't seem to help either.
Anyone have any ideas what I should be doing?