The error "NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED" indicates that one of the certificates in the certificate chain was revoked. The kickstarter site works for other users here though.
Either the kickstarter (* or the root/intermediate certificate (Global Sign Root/Global Sign CloudSSL CA) was revoked erroneously or temporarily. The revocation is still stored in your ocsp/crl cache.
After deleting the caches the chain of certificates (and should work again:
in 10.11 or older open Terminal and execute:
sudo rm /var/db/crls/*cache.db
in 10.12 (Sierra) use this command instead:
sqlite3 ~/Library/Keychains/*/ocspcache.sqlite3 'DELETE FROM ocsp;'
After deleting the cache reboot your Mac.
Probably related: NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED in Chrome, when the certificate is not actually revoked