My goal? To tag emails in OS X.
What I succeeded into? I use the Find command in /Users/MyMacAccount/Library/Mail/V3/ with a significative word contained in the email I am looking for, then I tag the email.
Note: After this I can easily find all tagged emails with the find command in Apple Mail. I think this tip could please a lot of users.
How could it be done better? To right click on the email and directly locate it in the Finder.
Note: In past OS X (I am under 10.11.x El Capitan) it was possible to locate an email by command clicking on his title bar. A menu appeared with the actual path on the hard drive. It seems Apple disabled this so we can only see account's name.
What could I do instead? To use the colored flags in Apple Mail… Frankly, who remembers why he or she colored one email in orange or purple ?
In the past, there was MailTags paid plugin, but it seem it wasn't updated for a long time.
I thought I could easily almost find recent emails if I sorted the V3 folder by Date but this is a slow process to be accomplished by the Finder.
Any better idea ? Thank you.