I have an older iPad Mini and when I try and use a game iOS Game Center asks for my password, which I enter, and is accepted. Then it asks to type in the Apple ID Verification Code, although there is nowhere to type it in.


EDIT: Thanks to fsb's suggestion the verification code was accepted by typing it directly after the password into the Game Center login password field. I'm shocked Apple would expect anyone to know to do this without prior knowledge!

  • 2
    The error message given (shown in the screenshot in the question) explains precisely how it works: entering ‘your password followed by the verification code’. I must be missing something with regard to what prior knowledge you mention is required to complete this?
    – grg
    Commented Apr 19, 2019 at 22:06

2 Answers 2


Due to more than one person being confused by the term 'followed by' & just to be clear you type the password and follow it immediately with the code all as one in the “password” field. You don’t get a second place to enter the code, it tailgates the actual password.

First you must close the dialog telling you to do this, to get back to the password entry field.
Then, if your password is pa55word and your verification code is 123456, then in the password field you must enter pa55word123456 all in one string at one time.

According to this Apple Support page, the issue is two-factor authentication with older devices/iOS.

What if I use two-factor authentication on a device running older software?

If you use two-factor authentication with devices running older OS versions, you might be asked to add your six-digit verification code to the end of your password when signing in.

Get your verification code from a trusted device running iOS 9 and later or OS X El Capitan and later, or have it sent to your trusted phone number. Then type your password followed by the six-digit verification code directly into the password field without any spaces between the password and the verification code.


It is more than that. It is much worse:

  1. The code is received with a space inside as XXX XXX and Apple expects users to enter it without space as XXXXXX. Why confuse people that way?

  2. And even more:

Does not work any more on some divices like iPhone 4. Such phone has iOS 7.1.2 (11D257) and cannot be updated-upgraded. It seems that

"To use iCloud you need at least iOS 9 on iPhone 4, iPod touch (5th generation), iPad or iPad mini; or at least OS X El Capitan 10.11 on a Mac" https://support.apple.com/en-us/118308

If that is what happens, why Apple misleads users not indicating that and showing instead prompts to enter codes, etc? I have lost several days on this. FRUSTRATING!!! Apple, please, please, please, FIX this. Either allow iCloud on iPhone 4 or clearly report that to the user trying to use it or the App Store on such devices. Thanks!

  • The chances of Apple changing its mind to support an old device that it already decided can’t be used with the modern version of these services is highly unlikely, but who knows - anything could happen tomorrow.
    – bmike
    Commented Jul 27 at 18:20
  • At least Apple should have some respect for users not misleading them and wasting their time, as explained in my message above.
    – StaX
    Commented Jul 28 at 19:07
  • I think Apple has respect for people that do their homework. You can see an entire raft of features where Apple only supports iOS 9 and you’re substantially behind that. support.apple.com/en-us/118308 Sorry you’re feeling disrespected and hopefully this site will augment Apple’s announcements so you don’t have to waste a ton of time getting answers. (Or at least not waste too much time before asking a decent question here and be patient for answers like yours seven years after the OP ran into this issue).
    – bmike
    Commented Jul 28 at 20:24

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