I'm helping at a friend's house. She has a Airport Extreme setup with a WEP (yes, I really do mean WEP) password. Her iMac running 10.5.8 connects to the network just fine. I'm typing this question on that iMac.
However when I try connecting to the same network with her PowerBook G4, sitting in the same room as the Airport Extreme, the PowerBook won't connect. It asks me for a password but I can't get it to accept the password. The PowerBook is running 10.4.11.
When I select the network, I get dialog that says:
The selected AirPort network requires a password to join.
Wireless Security: WPA Personal
Password: ______
[ ] Show password
[ ] Remember password in my keychain
(?) (Cancel) (OK)
(Pardon my ASCII art.) Anyway, the wireless security setting is a pulldown menu, and I want to pull down that menu and select "WEP" or "Transitional WEP", but I can't. WPA Personal is the only available option.
So, needless to say, if I enter the WEP password, it fails to connect. What do I do?