On screen lock mac goes to sleep impacting the downloads & etc. Is there any way I can lock the screen with password protection and not loose the connections ?

OS version: EL Captain

Currently power saver option


1 Answer 1


Have you tried the following:

  • Go to System Preferences > Energy Saver
  • Set computer sleep to Never (or an appropriately long period of time)
  • Set display sleep to occur when you like
  • Now go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy
  • Click on General
  • Tick the box for Require password...after sleep or screen saver begins
  • Click on the drop-down menu to select how long after sleep you want the need for a password to be activated (Immediately, 5 secs, 1 min, etc etc)
  • Exit System Preferences

Note, if you want you can also use the Screen Saver function to achieve the same thing. You would still do the above steps, but in addition:

  • Go to System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver
  • Select the Screen Saver tab
  • Set the Start After option (at bottom left) to dictate when you want the Screen Saver to start - note you may want this to be set at a shorter period than your Energy Saver sleep settings (e.g. If you set your display sleep to occur after 15 mins, you may want your screen saver to start after 5 mins - this means your screen saver will be active for 10 minutes before your display will fully go to sleep)
  • Choose any other Screen Saver options you like
  • Exit System Preferences

If you have any problems/questions, let me know.

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