I know that you can get live logs from XCode, LemonJar, or cfgutil
, but these are all in real time. Is there any way to access logs from before the phone was plugged into the computer?
You can redirect all logs to a file so that you can see it when needed. So you can resolve any issues come in future.
From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18756592/how-to-get-old-console-log
(via the procedure discussed above: stackoverflow.com/a/49616816 ) will capture any device logs at that time, even if the device isn't currently near a computer. It can be downloaded later, or accessed via 'Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements > Analytics Data > sysdiagnose_2023.01.01_... ' (e.g. on iOS 14) and saved via the 'Share' menu as desired. (Un-used 'sysdiagnose' archives are automatically purged after a couple of days, so save it somewhere if you might want it!)
Feb 23, 2023 at 4:17