I just upgraded to Lion and because I do web design, first thing I did was turning on Web Sharing to get Apache running. While checking the logs I found that the Bonjour module can't find a file and warns me about this:
mod_bonjour: Cannot stat template index file '/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Sites/index.html'
So I listed the files under that location and it seems the whole Sites folder is gone. I found out later that Mac OS X doesn't include that folder under your user account by default.
I'm still wondering how to stop this warnings. Is it safe to create a directory under this system location? I wouldn't like to do that.
I tried commenting
RegisterUserSite customized-users
under /etc/apache2/other/bonjour.conf thinking the error was due to the bonjour module trying to compare my index.html with the system template to activate my personal site but it didn't work.
Any ideas?
Thank you!