Execute the terminal whoami command to find your username (also known as ldapname).
> whoami
Chase that with executing the command below (be comfortable using VI/VIM before proceeding).
> sudo visudo -f /private/etc/sudoers.d/sudogo
NOTE1: The -f syntax will permit you to specify an alternate sudoers file location. With this option, visudo will edit (or check) the sudoers file of your choice, instead of the default, /etc/sudoers. The lock file used is the specified sudoers file with ".tmp" appended to it. In check-only mode only, the argument to -f may be -, indicating that sudoers will be read from the standard input.
NOTE2/WARNING: You could have created a file named "nopw" in place of sudogo. However, hackers are slick and will look for the letters "PW" (abbreviation for password). Feel free to change "sudogo" to something different, logical, and safe. Be aware that an extension was not added to the end of the file; It is not required.
An example is posted below. Activate insert mode with i, copy both lines posted below into the blank file. Substitute INSERT_USERNAME for ldapname. Hit escape, save and quit the file with :wq from command mode.
# user(s) below can can run any script on this machine
Execute sudo visudo (-f and path omitted) one final time. The command will open the sudoers file and check the changes. Proceed to type :q! to exit /etc/sudoers without saving changes.
> sudo visudo
file has changed fairly radically from El Cap. There I just dropped a one line config file into the sudoers.d directory and it "just worked". Seems things have changed. I'll report back if I get anymore info.sudo
WITHOUT PASSWORD. This is probably the single most dangerous thing a person can ever do to their computer. Why is no one moderating here? IMHO this question and all answers below should include a short caveat saying something like "Do this at your own risk, this will make your computer extremely vulnerable to hacking and viruses."