The update to macOS Sierra wrecked scrolling with my Logitech Mouse (which uses Logitech Control Center).
The scrolling behaviour is erratic because I'm actually assaulted by two issues:
- In native macOS applications, like Apple Pages, there is an ”inertia-ish” effect that slows down the scroll and introduces some sort of acceleration-like movement akin to the worst nightmares from Windows 10.
- In third-party applications, like Google Chrome, the scrolling is quite fast but not fluid; it's choppy and non-linear with sudden jumps and stops. Because of this, it feels like the computer is laggy when scrolling a page, but it's probably due to the way the software scrolls.
Sierra just came out, but I'm not that hopeful that Logitech are capable of tending to issues like these, so I'm afraid I will have to do something about it myself.
I have tried checking the settings of System Preferences > Mouse and System Preferences > Logitech Control Center > Vertical Scroll but came up with nothing except temporary band-aid tweaks to make it feel better.
Edit, Broken Mouse Buttons: Also related to this, is the issue that the Forward/Back buttons on some Logitech mice have stopped working. I was able to mitigate this issue by binding those buttons to keystrokes in Logitech Control Center, e.g. (⌘ + ←) and (⌘ + →) for Google Chrome. Possibly, something like BetterTouchTool, Steermouse, or USB Overdrive could be used to intercept the OS functions Forward/Back in case the keyboard shortcuts above aren't global for all applications. Regardless, with BetterTouchTool, you can set application-specific keystrokes and bind them to mouse buttons.