Screen shot

My VLC player is stuck in playlist mode, and I can not get it to play the video but I can hear Audio. It doesn't work on any of my videos. But all my quick time files work. My VLC is up to date. It was working earlier today, I made no adjustments then a few hours ago I went to open up a video and I can't get it out of playlist mode to show the video.

  • Maybe it's in full-screen mode? When videos are played full-screen, they appear in a separate space from the current desktop. Commented Apr 12, 2016 at 2:54
  • No I've tried looking for it already that's not it.
    – fiddler
    Commented Apr 12, 2016 at 3:46
  • Exact same problem here - VLC 2.2 on OSX EL Capitan 10.11.4.
    – user180045
    Commented Apr 17, 2016 at 13:16

4 Answers 4


Go to Preferences and click reset all.

  • Hi Parker, welcome to Ask Different, please provide a small detailed description of the answer to maintain a good quality answer.
    – killswitch
    Commented Oct 7, 2016 at 5:07
  • This is the only answer that worked for me on Mac OS
    – Owen Mundy
    Commented Jan 1, 2019 at 13:40

i had this same issue, i did try docking and undocking also fullscreen toggle but neither worked for me.

my solution: toggle set as desktop background (when set it fixxed) then reverted back to normal and still working again yey!

cause: i hit undock playlist to see what it would do... (broke video, audio working)

vlc 2.2.6 umbrella, windows 7 64bit (will never "upgrade" to adblasters)


I had some luck (in Windows 10): while it's playing, toggle/untoggle Playlist, Docked Playlist and Fullscreen Interface. Unfortunately, I can't recall the particular order. Try some messing around with those three.


I had the same issue where I heard audio and only saw the playlist screen (the default screen). What worked for me on a Mac was the following:

  1. Quit VLC (right click on the app icon in the dock, Quit)
  2. Open VLC by double clicking the video file
  3. Quit VLC again
  4. Open VLC again

VLC then started playing with the video correctly.

I didn't want to reset all my preferences like the current top answer recommends.

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