I have moved to another country, which comes along with the joy of moving apple store accounts. This would be easier, however, if there were a trivial automated way to re-download all of my free apps under the new ID.
Before going any further, I know that I'll have to re-purchase any in-app purchases, and that no process is going to get me my apps back free. It sucks, but there it is.
I've written a small tool to list each app in my library and identify it by owner, price, and store URL. The thing is, I want to take the one extra step: Re-purchase the app from the store, under the new account, and replace the old one. Right now, this process is painfully manual:
- Delete the existing app
- Open the store URL in my browser. This opens iTunes to the app
- Buy the app
- repeat ad nauseam
I've got almost 150 apps to do this with. It'll take forever.
Is there an easier way to bulk delete/redownload apps in iTunes?