To clarify,
The Julia installation that you get if you go to and download Julia 1.6.3 dmg for Mac is exactly the same as the installation that Homebrew's Cask currently gets, which is evidenced here:
Julia behaves differently once you've actually installed the Homebrew Julia 1.6.3 Cask versus the Julia 1.6.3 from I first experienced this when trying to use PackageCompiler.jl to make a shippable application using Homebrew's Julia 1.6.3 Cask install. With this install, the app continued to fail despite all my efforts. When I switched to the Julia 1.6.3 dmg install from, the PackageCompiler app worked and was relocatable.
So just a heads up, these two methods install Julia differently on the system, resulting in Julia behaving differently in some cases.