OSX 10.11.2 Terminal 2.6.1
I have an intermittent issue that is driving me up the wall. I spend a lot of time in Terminal in full-screen mode on my 2015 11" Macbook Air. I generally have Chrome or Notational Velocity or something else up in one of the "Spaces" nearby and switch back and forth with the four-finger-swipe gesture (enabled in System Preferences
-> Trackpad
-> Swipe between full screen apps
Over the last several months, one of the tabs in my Terminal will sporadically start giving me a "bounce" and the red 1
badge to single some kind of alert any time it loses focus. I usually notice it when I'm using a four-finger swipe to go back and forth to another space (which immediately shows a single bounce of the Terminal icon and the badge in the dock).
The terminal acts normal upon return to focus. I don't see any notifications or message other than a few odd characters. It was hard to identify exactly what characters, so I ran cat
and then changed focus, and it looks like it's ^[[O^[[I
. I thought this kind of looked like some of the sequences to make arrow and special keys behave in Terminal
-> Preferences
-> Profiles
-> Keyboard
, but I don't see any with those characters.
I get the same problem when in normal (not full-screen) mode and click on a different icon -- even in the same space -- and Terminal loses focus. Same characters, a bounce, and badge, so I don't think it's related to Mission Control.
I am often running tmux and have SSH connections to a few servers, but I haven't noticed it being exclusive to a tmux or SSH session. For example, currently I have a few Terminal tabs open, and it's happening in a tab running an SSH session (not in tmux), but not happening in another tab running tmux in SSH, and not happening in other tabs open to local directories.
I don't see anything obvious in Console.app and nothing from Terminal. I usually try to include a "WHYT" section to my stackexchange posts, but I can hardly figure out where to start here -- I'm stumped.
Not a major issue, but definitely annoying, and it shows no signs of leaving me alone over the last few months. Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated!