i am transcoding a bunch of videos with handbrake CLI. Therfore i use this presets:
for i in `seq 0 10`; do f=$(($i-1)); HandBrakeCLI -i /Videofolder/ -t $i -O
-f av_mp4 -e x264 -q 19 --h264-profile high --h264-level 4.1
--x264-preset medium --decomb -q 19 -a 1,3 -s "1,3"
-E copy:ac3 -o ~/Desktop/Video$(($f+1)).m4v; done
The Problem is the result is not playable, not in Itunes neither in Quicktime. VLC does just fine. Quicktime starts trancoding this Video and after about 20 secs its playing it back. Has anyone got a hint for me whats my mistake?
Greenings and a big thank you :)