I tried several combinations, but I have not found any way so far to mute audio (playing in any application, system wide) using a normal PC-Keyboard (Cherry G80) connected to my Mac Book Pro (2011).
On the built-in keyboard of the MacBook Pro this is simply done by pressing F10 (or Fn-F10, depending on the Pref settings).
I would like to get the Fn+F10 functionality working on the external keyboard. Apparently Apple keyboards have an explicit Fn key and there is seems to work.
What I tried is:
- I remapped the Windows Menu key (Application key) to Fn using KeyRemap4MacBook
- I made it so that F10 does not show the current Application Window, so F10 is free
- Still, when I press F10 or Fn+F10 on the extrenal keyboard, nothing happens
To me it seems that the audio mute functionality is pretty low level in the keyboard stack.
Any thoughts welcome.