Today i got the newest available MacBook Pro flagship model. After setting up some basics, installing Photoshop, JRE, XAMPP and NetBeans, i started to use the machine a bit, doing some basic coding.
While using Netbeans, the fans rev up in an abnormal fashion. Of course i checked the CPU usage in Activity Monitor, but nothing abnormal showed up - merely just 7%-10% usage varying. There was simply nothing running, that would use up the CPU. I have owned a 2014 model previously and it never showed such behaviour. In fact, unless NetBeans was scanning a huge project and the CPU usage went up to 100%+, the fans were not even noticeable at all.
What i tried
After some research, i reset the SMC, but the issue remained. Instead of working flawlessly, after resetting the SMC and rebooting the machine, then running it for a few minutes and then opening in Google Chrome, suddenly the entire screen turned white and the only thing that was still there was the mouse pointer, which i could move around, but otherwise the machine was unresponsive.
I rebooted and checked the log, which under System Diagnostic Reports now showed a file prefixed with Kernel which said:
Event: GPU Reset
Application: WindowServer
OS Version: Mac OS X Version 10.10.3 (Build 14D2134)
Graphics Hardware: AMD Radeon R9 M370X
Signature: 0
Followed by a huge chunk of dump data.
Sadness fills my being.
Could this be a hardware issue? Badly applied cooling paste? Would you send it back and buy a new one, or try to get it fixed?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), Core i7 2.8 GHz, 16 GB RAM, Intel Iris Pro 1.5 GB + AMD Radeon R9 M370X running Yosemite 10.10.3