Google Inbox recently added compatibility with Safari and yet still does not play nice with Fluid.

I decided I might as well use Chrome. Google recently improved the way "desktop app extensions" work by giving them their own independent icons in Applications and Launchpad.

Unfortunately, this is acting like a glorified bookmark, rather than a standalone app. I.e., it opens with a toolbar and opens the site as a tab. I tried exploring the "contents" of the application icon Google creates. I found a plist but could not figure out if there was away to force the app to open an independent standalone Chrome window.

Any ideas on how I could modify the app to act less like a bookmark and more like a standalone desktop app ?

  • I know that Chrome apps depend on Google Chrome to be running but you say that they opens in a new tab, like a webpage. When I open a Google Chrome app, for example Chrome Remote Desktop, it opens in a new window and behaves more like an application, but I requires Google Chrome to run in the background.
    – Dempa
    Commented Jun 4, 2015 at 21:36
  • That is a native desktop app. They do function like you say, the pocket app for example. But then they also have these desktop website apps without that capability. inbox for example. Commented Jun 5, 2015 at 17:32
  • I don't think there is a way to convert those apps to act like a desktop application. I think they are more like links. In those apps that opens like a tab, is there any offline data or are they relying on web content for everything?
    – Dempa
    Commented Jun 5, 2015 at 20:33

3 Answers 3


Akmal has released Chrome App that does exactly this. You could take a look at his code to see how he's done it.

I would mention that he is running the webview through scan.me, so getting analytics to how many people are visiting it.


This script will create an app from a website for you.

There is either an instalator or a shell script to enter the name, icon and url for your app to be shown in your default browser without toolbars. It opens in a separate profile user profile so you will have to login again there. If you need an extensions for that profile you need to add them in a new tab which opens in a new window.


You can try the free wrappers WMail or gInbox.

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