I'm using Mail v8.2 on Macintosh OS X Yosemite and would like to transition to a new email address. Therefore, I'd like to keep using my old email address for the time being and I have configured my new address to forward all email to my old address.

Now, I just need to set up my reply-to in every email I send, to default to specifying my new email address, so that recipients will eventually start using my new email address over time and eventually I can pull the trigger and drop the old one and switch to the new one.

How can I configure Mail v8.2 to use a different default reply-to email address for each email I send? I don't see anything in the Preferences, nor in the account settings. I have a pacbell.net account for my old email address that is hosted by Yahoo.com.

3 Answers 3


This AskDifferent question sounds like a very similar request, shows this About.com article.

From the above answer: If you want to apply the reply-to all the time there's a hack you can do this via Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.mail UserHeaders '{"Reply-To" = "reply-to@address"; }'

In Mail, under the View menu, you can choose which fields to show or hide, including Reply To.

  • Sorry I was not clear, I want to configure the default reply-to address.
    – WilliamKF
    Apr 10, 2015 at 19:41

Start new email.

On the left you see a pull down arrow. It will open the option of Reply to:

reply to

  • Sorry I was not clear, I want to configure the default reply-to address.
    – WilliamKF
    Apr 10, 2015 at 19:41

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