How can I get the Volkswagen RCD 310 radio/CD player to work with Siri?

When iPhone is connected to the car using Bluetooth telephone connection and I press and hold its home button, Siri starts, but nothing happens in the car: It does not stop playing music, the alert sound does not play over the car's speakers, and I cannot hear Siri answer my request even though the conversation is displayed on the phone's screen.

Version indication: iPhone 5S with iOS 8.2

[EDIT] when using the phone as Bluetooth media player, when I press the home button to start Siri, I can hear the tone, but I cannot hear the answer to my requests.

  • Does calling work over the car's stereo? Commented Apr 2, 2015 at 20:31
  • Yes calling and media streaming work!
    – Pierre F
    Commented Apr 4, 2015 at 8:07
  • When you hold the home button and Siri comes up. Is there a bluetooth symbol at the bottom that allows you to select the output? Commented Apr 4, 2015 at 9:12
  • Yes, there's a Bluetooth symbol in the bottom right corner that allows me to select the output. When I tap it, I can see that my car is selected.
    – Pierre F
    Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 6:54
  • Would love to know if others face the same issue...
    – Pierre F
    Commented Apr 10, 2015 at 18:06

1 Answer 1


Found a reliable yet cumbersome workaround to have Siri play over the RCD 310 stereo using Bluetooth...

  1. Using your car's steering wheel control, disconnect the Bluetooth link to your phone.

  2. Open Siri by holding your iPhone's home button.

  3. Re-activate the Bluetooth connection from your car to your phone.

Voilà, after a few seconds you can have a dialog with Siri in your car... at least until you leave the Siri screen.

  • Notified VW and Apple about this issue using their feedback/contact forms. Will post meaningful updates here...
    – Pierre F
    Commented Apr 10, 2015 at 7:30
  • Got feedback from Volkswagen AG - Siri is not supported. Their answer in German "Zur Anwendung des Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface (Siri) der Firma Apple koennen wir leider keine Aussage treffen, diese Software wird von uns nicht geprueft und unterstuetzt."
    – Pierre F
    Commented Apr 14, 2015 at 7:40

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