I want to restore my iPad to factory settings. Its an iPad 2,1 running iOS 8.1:

enter image description here

However, when I connect to iTunes and click Restore iPad..., I get the message:

enter image description here

I'm not interested in 8.1.3, which is what a Restore and Update would result. In fact, I need to keep the iPad at 8.1.2 or lower due to operational requirements. So iOS 8.1 is fine by me.

How do I perform a restore without updating?

1 Answer 1


If you still have the .ipsw file, press the Option key, then click Restore iPad. Navigate to the file and select it, and iTunes will use that for the restore.

  • No luck... I forgot to get the backup (or the IPSW signed). Its too bad Apple lied to me about the ability to revert/restore. I would not have allowed the upgrade if the information they provided was accurate.
    – user83961
    Commented May 18, 2015 at 16:50

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