I'm finally fed up with AT&T's exorbitant cost and ready to switch to T-Mobile.
I'm well past my contract obligation and have maintained my iPhone 5 in near pristine condition.
Can I have this phone unlocked and use it with another provider?
I'm finally fed up with AT&T's exorbitant cost and ready to switch to T-Mobile.
I'm well past my contract obligation and have maintained my iPhone 5 in near pristine condition.
Can I have this phone unlocked and use it with another provider?
AT&T and T-Mobile both use GSM networks.
So yes, you will be able to use your iPhone with T-Mobile.
The technical issue with the 5 is that the AT&T models made in the first few months after release didn't support the 700Mhz band used by T-Mobile. You have to look at the serial number to know if your phone supports it. The details are in a tech note on Apple's site.
Your phone will still work even w/o 700Mhz support but, as noted, in some areas it will get E or 3G instead of LTE speeds. The practical effect all depends on where you use it.