I'm investigating bringing OS X onto our windows network at the moment, which, despite a few hiccups, has been going pretty well! (A lot better than some of my colleagues suggested it would!).
I've got network drives mapping and functioning fine, however one of our corporate policies is that the machine goes to sleep/locks every 15 minutes. I'm finding that on wake, the drives are still connected, however I have a prompt that the network connection was interrupted and to disconnect the drives:
I can click to disconnect the drives, or open finder and re-access the drive, which clears the message. This is the state exactly after wake: (You can see the drive is actively mapped, but there's still a prompt to disconnect)
It's no hassle for me to open finder, but in the context of end users, I'm hoping to be able to stop that disconnected drive message from appearing on wake.
Any suggestions?
Note: Using OS X 10.10.1