I am trying to transfer my existing (Early 2008) Mac Pro to a new (refurb) 2013 Mac Pro. I'm still in "setup assistant" mode.
The amount of information being transferred is about 120Gb. I've tried transferring over a direct-connected Ethernet from Mac-to-Mac, as well as a brand new Time Machine backup to an external SSD connected via a Thunderbolt 1 breakout box.
Every time I try to transfer, the transfer makes it to the applications stage in a reasonable amount of time. The progress bar is almost full. Then it starts doing the applications. At first, the screen shows "Transferring Applications"/"Transferring files to support applications" pretty fast. Then it starts getting slower. And slower. All the while, the completion time (which was "about a minute" starts creeping up.) The first time I let it run all night. By morning it was saying there would be over 250 hours to completion.
I've tried it 4 times since then (including a complete system reinstall), and the same thing happens every time.
I feel like I'm down to 2 scenarios:
The Mac Pro has a hardware issue. I've already run the hardware diagnostics, but nothing shows up. That being said, this is a refurb, it's possible something is wrong that only affects the new machine during long transfers.
There's something in the backup or my applications setup that's causing the migration to get stuck in a loop. I've looked on the system drive for a log, but I haven't found one.
Here's where it gets really, really bizarre: I can't find any sign of the files transferred on the new Mac after I've stopped it. Not a single file appears on "Macintosh HD" on the new Mac.
Any ideas? Apple can't help me in the store until Monday, so I thought I'd ask here.