i'm having the following problem with my network shares from my NAS (Synology 415+ if it matters) in Yosemite.
At home, we have an iMac with two different users. I moved all of our media (music & photos) to the NAS, so that both users could use the data with the according apps. I thought, that it would be easy to mount the network shares for both users, but actually it isn't - or i'm doing something wrong.
I'm using a simple Applescript in the following form
tell application "Finder"
mount volume "smb://ipaddress/sharename/"
end tell
that is started automatically when my user logs into the system.
That works fine for me. But when my partner switches to her user account, the mounts aren't accessible for her. Moreover, when she starts the same script as i do, the paths are getting messed up:
If two users mount the network shares, two different folders exist on the system: /Volumes/music
for the first user and /Volumes/music-1
for the second user, which messes up all file paths (especially in iTunes, but also in Lightroom or other apps).
Is there ANY way to mount a network share for both users? I really don't care if i use AFP or SMB, i just want a network share which is usable for multiple users. Seems like a common scenario for me.