I have a clean installation of Snow Leopard on a MacBook and I want to get a MySQL Server running on it. I downloaded and installed the .dmg file provided by the homepage of MySQL and installed it. I did not yet try to start the server. I installed Workbench and configured it to localhost (standard settings). Now Workbench keeps telling me, that it could not find the file /etc/my.cnf. I was able to start the MySQL-Server from within Workbench, though. Now **Workbench wants to add a /etc/my.cnf file. Shall I proceed or is the file somewhere else already?

locate my.cnf tells me


Is it possible, that it is one of those? I don't want to mess the configuration up by creating a new my.cnf so I hope for an inspiration by some expert. Thanks!

1 Answer 1


Feel free to copy one of the example files into the /etc directory or make your own. You won't have any problems until you ever want to have more than one version of mysql installed and running - then you can set up shell variables to keep things apart - but for the short run - one file in one place would be good. So let the Workbench make /etc/my.cnf and the other files will probably be ignored since Workbench looks to be telling you it looks only in /etc.

  • I assume by example files you mean, the files I listed above (after the locate command)? Another question: Do I understand it right, that the content of /etc/conf (assuming it exists) can be modifyed by Workbench?
    – Aufwind
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 17:48
  • Yes to example files and Yes - I believe so. I don't have any of the files loaded on my mac to inspect - but as long as the user running the Workbench can create the file (or edit it once it's in place) Mac OS X won't prevent you from editing the file in /etc (which really is a link to /private/etc) As far as Mac - there is nothing special about MySql or the workbench so you might need to ask in the power users forum if no-one here has specific knowledge of that mysql tool.
    – bmike
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 17:51
  • I will ask in the power user forum for this explicit detail. And thanks for your answer(s) so far.
    – Aufwind
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 17:53

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