This doesn't directly answer your question, but I still wanted to says it.
I think he gave you a different phone. If the phone was already jailbroken and the sim was taken out, I think it won't show up in Find My Phone (unless the guy goofed up did some silly things).
I think he gave you someone else's (already hacked) phone and kept yours so he finish hacking it.
If you know your phone has any unique features, like a scratch or something, be sure to check that the phone he gave you also has it. If not, it's probably not your phone.
Why would he hack your phone you ask? Because it makes it very easy to do identity theft on you.
What you should do now:
- Change the passwords to everything in your life (no joke).
- If you have email setup on your phone, change its password and
read your Sent mail from the day you lost your phone to the day
you changed your password.
- If you ever used a credit card to buy things with your phone,
contact your bank, tell them the card may be compromised
and ask for a new card.
- If you had any classified/confidential data on your phone, do
whatever you must do to mitigate the consequences of that
information going public.
Now, all that being said, he is probably not a professional since he let you track him down to his house, so the steps I mentioned above might not be necessary. Also, if your phone is password protected and you did the Wipe My Phone before he hacked it, your data and passwords are probably safe.
But regardless, you should still exercise caution and watch your finances/identity very closely for at least a couple months just in case.
Good luck!