If I activate the Facebook calendar sync on my iOS device all events are input in my calendar. Even those I denied. It's there a way to sync only those I accepted?

If it's not possible to do it with plain iOS, is there a way through third party tools? (I'm aware that they could log the calendar events)


3 Answers 3


Someone created a filter for that, that only puts through the accepted and maybe accepted Facebook events: http://eventcal.flown.io/

Works for Google calendar, and also all system calendars.


You can use Facebook Event Calendar. Simple, efficient, clever, with options. Read every step carefully, and you'll be able to customize your calendar synchronisation and it works perfectly.

  • 3
    Freedom is down, so someone created this with same functionality eventcal.flown.io
    – ariel
    Commented Nov 22, 2015 at 5:50

This is currently not possible with the standard iOS calendar sync.

Signing in to Facebook on your iOS device and showing the events on your calendar will synchronise the entire calendar from the server on your device, including events to which you have not accepted. Calendar on iOS or OS X does not respect the response which you have given for the invitation as a method of deciding whether to show the event on your calendar.

This is detailed on Facebook's help center with a possible workaround:

A better solution is not to use the FB calendar integration but instead subscribe yourself to your facebook events. You can do this by going to your events page on the full facebook site on a PC. Click on the cog in the top right hand corner and select export and then select upcoming events - copy the link from that and email it to yourself. Open the email on your iphone and click on the link. That will prompt you to subscribe to you FB events calendar which you should do. All your facebook events excluding declined events will now show in your iphone calendar.

The cog mentioned in Facebook's answer has been replaced by a link in the bottom right corner, "Upcoming Events".
Upcoming Events

You can provide feedback to Apple here:

  • I'm unable to find the aforementioned cog. Has it disappeared? Commented Jan 31, 2015 at 18:05
  • @AviSteiner It's been replaced by a rather discrete link! See the updated answer :)
    – Emil
    Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 11:52
  • 1
    The subscription link from the cog includes all events, not only accepted unfortunately.
    – Emil
    Commented May 13, 2015 at 17:46

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