I have been trying to use the Java Decompiler, JD-GUI, on my 2007 iMac running OS X 10.9.5 for the past week, but I have been running into a road block.
Only a few weeks ago, I did not have this problem. What I've normally done is have the disk image in my Downloads
directory, and I open the disk image and used the application from the image directly. However, one day, I received that error for the first time, so I went and redownloaded it from the provider of the software, but kept running into the same issue.
I have tried this from multiple Internet connections to no avail.
Also worth noting I think is that when I drag the application from the disk image, its file size is only 2KB, which is a problem. Upon opening the application then, it says the application is corrupt and it moves it to the trash.
Is there any fix or workaround for using this software? I'm trying to understand why it was working only a few short months ago.
JD-GUI can be found here: http://jd.benow.ca/
Edit: Worth noting is that the checksum values match for both the downloaded copy and the one listed on the download page! Perhaps an issue with 32-bit vs 64-bit libraries?
java -version
into Terminal gave mejava version "1.7.0_25"