I have Mac and a disk on a USB key, I'm trying to copy a folder and to paste it in the disk on the USB key, but its not pasting.

How can I paste files & folders onto my USB disk?

  • 1
    I edited the question for clarity, but please do reject my edit or revert the edit if I've missed what you're trying to say. Commented May 9, 2011 at 19:01

1 Answer 1


By "disk on key", I assume you mean USB key?

Is your Disk on Key visible on the desktop? If so, can you right click on it, click Get Info, make a screenshot of it and paste it here?

If you don't know how to make a screenshot, click here

Then, edit your post and add the screenshot.

OK, from your screenshot, it appears your USB Key is formated in NTFS. Mac OS X can read it, but cannot write to it natively.

You have two options

  • installing MacFUSE and NTFS-3G.
    Look here to find out how.

  • Backup all your data on your USB key and format it to a format that Mac OS X can read and write natively.
    I advise you to use ExFAT, since both Windows and Mac (since 10.6.5) can write to it.
    For that, use Disk Utility, chose your USB Key, select ExFAT, and format.

Don't forget to backup all your data before formatting!


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